For Earth Day, we have some exciting news on our next big step.
We started Storied Hats for two reasons: to create products you truly love and to build a business with values – one that puts people and the planet at the center of everything we do.
Our commitment to you is that we’ll never stop pushing, so we can offer you even more innovative, more sustainable options.
Look awesome in it – feel awesome about it.
Because of your support since we launched 18 months ago, we’re now in a position to take our next big step.
Threads from used coffee grounds. No, we’re not high - we're just highly caffeinated. Coffee creates a natural moisture-wicking and odor-resistant fabric.
The husks are the the hat of a coconut, and soon they’ll be in a hat for your head, too.
We’re in the middle stages of testing out the fabrics with different designs, thickness, and various details. We expect to begin pre-sales in the next 60 days, with an opportunity for your input on which designs to make.
Thank you for being a part of Storied Hats and we can’t wait to share the progress with you!